
Rectified Oil Of Turpentine

Rectified Oil Of Turpentine, Oleum Terebinthinae Rectificatum. U. S.


Rectified Oil Of Turpentine, Oleum Terebinthinae Rectificatum. U. S., Essence de Terebenthinae puriflee, Turpentöl,

"Oil of Turpentine, a convenient quantity; Solution of Sodium Hydroxide, a sufficient quantity. Shake the Oil of Turpentine thoroughly with an equal volume of Solution of Sodium Hydroxide, and introduce the mixture into a copper still connected with a well-cooled condenser. Recover about three-fourths of the Oil by distillation, separate the clear Oil from the water, and filter. Keep the product in well-stoppered, amber-colored bottles, in a cool place. Rectified Oil of Turpentine should always be dispensed when oil of turpentine is required for internal use." U. S.

When oil of turpentine is distilled in contact with sodium hydroxide solution, the distillate eomes over purified and freed from the products which give the commercial oil the disagreeable odor and taste which are inseparable by ordinary distillation; hence this rectified oil is much preferable for internal administration. In the U. S. P. (8th Rev.) solution of sodium hydroxide was preferred to lime water, which was used in the U. S. P. 1890 to furnish an alkali to combine with resinous substances in commercial oil of turpentine. It has in other respects the same properties as Oleum Terebinthinae. "A thin, colorless liquid, which should conform to the properties and tests given under Oleum Terebinthinae. Specific gravity: 0.860 to 0.865 at 25° C. (77° F.). If about 10 Cc. of the Oil be evaporated in a dish on a water-bath, no weighable residue should be left." U.S.

Dose, five minims to one fluidrachm (0.3 to 3.75 Cc.).
Off. Prep.—Emulsum Olei Terebinthinae, U. S.

Taken from; The Dispensatory Of The United States Of America. Nineteenth Edition. By Dr. Geo. B.Wood And Dr. Franklin Bache. Thoroughly Revised, Largely Rewritten, And Based Upon The Eighth Decennial Revision Of The United States Pharmacopoeia Issued June 1, 1907.